
Build a targeted advertising package customized to reach your audience.

The American Academy of Audiology is the world's largest professional organization of, by, and for audiologists. Representing the interests of audiologists and future audiologists nationwide, the Academy is dedicated to fulfilling its mission: providing quality hearing care services through professional development, education, research, and increased public awareness of hearing and balance disorders. The Academy's members reach over 560,000 individuals dealing with hearing loss every month! Gain access to this audience with a tailored advertising package to help your organization build brand awareness and generate leads today.


Member Profile

Members rely on the Academy's print publications, digital resources and events and for professional development and industry knowledge.


have been members for 15+ years

have been in the industry 20+ years

have been members for less than 4 years


The Academy's members work in diverse job settings: 


Members notice and respond to advertisers in the Academy's publications:

visited an  advertiser’s website

visited an
advertiser’s website

contacted an  advertiser directly

contacted an
advertiser directly

discussed an ad  with others

discussed an ad
with others

passed an ad  on to others

passed an ad
on to others

purchased or ordered  a product

purchased or ordered
a product

researched a product or service they saw advertised

researched a product or service they saw advertised

filed an ad for  future reference

filed an ad for
future reference


 The Academy’s Advertising and Event Opportunities


In Print

Display advertising opportunities
are available in:

Audiology Today >>
On Trend >>
Advertorial >>


Loyalty Programs

Deliver year-round visibility through The Academy’s content and information channels. Showcase your brand and leadership across the audiology community through print, online, and direct access.

Loyalty Media Programs >>



The Academy offers a variety of digital advertising opportunities designed to drive traffic to your website, and establish your organization as a leader in the industry. >>
eNewsletters >>
ASN Buyer's Guide >>
Audiology Community >>
Audiology Today Alert Email >>


Event Advertising

March 26-29, 2025
New Orleans, Louisiana

AAA 2025 + HearTECH Expo Event Advertising >>